Monthly Archives: March 2009

Richard Spruce Award

(Plaque and invitation to present opening address at next IAB meeting) Award to recognize one IAB member who has made important contributions to bryology, within the first 25 years of their career (dated from their first bryological publication). Award can only be received once. Given at every IAB meeting not held in conjunction with The…

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Hattori Prize

($400 CDN cash) Best paper or series of papers published within the previous two years in a journal or book by a member of IAB. Given every two years at the IAB meetings. Selection Committee chaired by Vice President Number 2, with three members appointed by the IAB Council at each IAB meeting. Recipients:Hélène Bischler…

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Hedwig Medal

(Silver Medal) Award to person who has made outstanding contributions to bryology, given at the IAB meeting held in conjunction with each International Botanical Congress (once every six years). Award can only be received once. Selection Committee chaired by the IAB President who is in office for the two years before the presentation. with three…

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Stanley Greene Award

(an amount of money to be determined biennially by the Secretary/Treasurer) Awarded to persons submitting a proposal for research in Bryology. Proposals will be called for in January of the year of biennial IAB meeting by an announcement in The Bryological Times. Given every two years at IAB meetings. Chaired by Secretary-Treasurer, with two members…

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Riclef Grolle Award for Excellence in Bryodiversity Research

(plaque stating relevance of the contribution of recipient) Award to to recognize outstanding contributions in bryodiversity Given at each IAB meeting if someone has been selected Intended for bryologists who work in developing countries and still manage to contribute significantly to the knowledge of bryodiversity in bryophyte-rich areas such as the tropics or smaller regions…

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Conservation and Endangered Species Grants

Open only to IAB members. Amount normally up to $600 US per applicant. Grants may be made at any time provided funds are available. Grants to be announced on IAB website and BT. Priority will be given to projects focusing on rare species, habitats or bryophyte hotspots in high need of conservation actions. The proposal…

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