The Bryological Times was founded in 1980 by S. W. Greene (1928-1989) as a newsletter published for the IAB. It contains items of interest to all bryologists.

The Bryological Times is currently published twice a year. Each year we endeavor to publish our general issue according to the following schedule.

IssueSubmission deadlinePublication Date
General issue 131 March20 June
General issue 230 September20 December

The Bryological Times includes a variety of articles expressing current thoughts in the field, reports of IAB meetings, news and notes, personalia, reviews of recent publications, a diary of future meetings and workshops, and information on advancements in bryological research. Contributions from bryologists across the world and fields are welcome. We also welcome submissions written in your native language and preferably with an English translation..

Requirements for submission

i) Articles should not exceed 3 pages.

ii) Images files should be no larger than 3MB and have appropriate captions included; these can be emailed separately.

iii) Font: Times New Roman, 11 pt.

iv) Articles written in one’s native language should be accompanied with an English translation. Please seek assistance from the Editor should you require help with obtaining an English translator.

Past editors

The Bryological Times was previously edited by S.W. Greene (numbers 1–50; 1980-1989), S.R. Gradstein (51–70; 1989-1992),  L. Hedenäs & L. Söderström (71–85; 1993-1995), L. Söderström, H. Weibull & T. Hedderson (86–105; 1996-2002), G. Raeymaekers (106–127; 2002-2009), D. Poli (128–141; 2009–2016), J. Atwood (142–146; 2016–2018), Patrick Dalton (147–151; 2018–2020), and David Meagher (152–156; 2020-2023).

Archived issues

The latest issue as well as archived issues are accessible here.


For more information or if you are interested in contributing to the next issue please contact Juan-Carlos Villareal or Catherine Reeb.