The International Association of Bryologists (IAB) produces the international journal, Bryophyte Diversity and Evolution , and the Bryological Times – a membership newsletter. IAB is also a proud sponsor of Bryonet (, a service of The International Association of Bryologists (IAB) administered by Janice Glime ( through Michigan Technological University.
IAB Publications
- Advances in Bryology (1981-1997). Published by J. Cramer, Germany. Vols. 1-2 edited by W. Schultze-Motel, vols. 3-5 (Ultrastructure, Systematics, Sphagnum Biology) edited by N.G. Miller and vol. 6 (Population studies) edited by Royce Longton.
- Allen B. & Magill R.E. (eds.) (1990). Proceedings of the Tropical Bryology Conference… St. Louis. Tropical Bryology 2: 1-284.
- Anderson L.E. (org.) (1974). Proceedings of the symposium on taxonomy and evolution of bryophytes…at the First International Congeress of Systematic and Evolutionary Biology, Boulder. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 38: 1-168.
- Bonnot E.J., Gradstein S.R. & Greene S.W. (org.) 1976. Proceedings of the symposia on bryology…at the XII International Botanical Congress, Leningrad. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 41: 1-230.
- Bulletin of Bryology (1971-1989). Published biannually in TAXON. Nrs. 1-5, 8-20 edited by S.R. Gradstein , nrs. 6-7 by G.L. Smith, nrs. 21-27 by D. Horton.
- Crosby M. (since 1974). Biennial Supplement to Index Hepaticarum. Published in TAXON (currently Missouri Botanical Garden).
- Delgadillo C. (ed.) (1996). Proceedings of the international bryological conference “Tropical Bryophytes: Biology, Diversity and Conservation,” Mexico City. Anales del Instituto de Biologia, Serie Botánica 67(1): 1-226.
- Engel J.J. (since 1974). Biennial Supplement to Index Hepaticarum. Published in TAXON (currently in Cryptogamie, Bryologie by M. von Konrat et al.).
- ECCB 1995. Red Data Book of European Bryophytes. Trondheim, 291 pp.
- Frahm J.-P. & O’Shea B.J. (1990). Proceedings of the IAB Computer Workshop, Mont Rigi. The Bryological Times 54: 1-12.
- Frey W. & Hattori S. (eds.) (1988). Proceedings of the bryological symposia at the XIV. International Botanical Congress, Berlin. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 64: 1-236.
Fritsch R. (1982). Index to plant chromosome numbers – Bryophyta. Regnum Vegetabile 108: 1-268. (updated version with different title published in Bryophyt. Biblioth. 40, 1991).
- Glime J. (ed.) (1988). Methods in Bryology – Proceedings of Bryological Methods Workshop, Mainz. The Hattori Botanical Laboratory, Japan, 403 pp.
- Glime J.M. (2007). Bryophyte Ecology. ebook accessible at .
- Geissler E.P. & Greene S.W. (eds.) 1981. Bryophyte Taxonomy – Methods, practices and floristic exploration. Proceedings of the IAB taxonomic workshop meeting, Genève. Beiheft zur Nova Hedwigia 71: 1-558.
- Geissler E.P. & Bischler H. (eds.) (1985-1990). Index Hepaticarum Vols. 8/9 (2nd. edition) and 10-12. J. Cramer, Vaduz & Berlin; Conservatoire et Jardin Botaniques, Genève; 1352 pp.
- Gradstein S.R. (1973). Directory of Bryologists and Bryological Research. Regnum Vegetabile 88: 1-67.
- Gradstein S.R. (1979). Directory of Bryologists and Bryological Research, 2nd edition. Regnum Vegetabile 99: 1-81.
- Greene S.W. & Harrington A.J. (1988). Conspectus of Bryological Taxonomic Literature. Part 1. Index to monographs and regional reviews. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 35: 1-272.
- Greene S.W. & Harrington A.J. (1989). Conspectus of Bryological Taxonomic Literature. Part 2. Guide to national and regional literature. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 37: 1-321.
- Hallingbäck T. & Hodgetts (compilers) (2000). Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts. Status Survey and Conservation Action Plan for Bryophytes. IUCN, 106 pp.
- Hattori, S. (ed.) (1984). Proceedings of the world conference of bryology, Tokyo. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 55: 1-325; ibid. 56: 1-269.
- Iwatsuki Z., Vitt D.H. & Gradstein S.R. (1976). Bryological Herbaria – A Guide to the bryological herbaria of the world. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 8: 1-144.
- Iwatsuki, Z. (ed.). Proceedings of the symposia on bryology and lichenology at the XV. International Botanical Congress, Tokyo. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 76: 1-311.
- Magill R.E. (ed.) (1990). Glossarium Polyglottum Bryologiae. A multilingual glossary for bryology. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, 297 p. (Portuguese version published 2006 by Editoria UFJF, Brazil).
- Pócs T., Simon T., Tuba Z. & Podani J. (eds.) (1987). Proceedings of the IAB Conference of Bryoecology, Hungary, Parts A-B. Symposia Biologica Hungarica 35: 1-902. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest.
- Ramsay H., Scott A.G.M. & Selkirk P.M. (eds.) (1982). Proceedings of the symposia on bryology at the XIII. International Botanical Congress, Sydney. Journal of the Hattori Botanical Laboratory 52: 1-302; ibid. 53: 1-296.
- Schofield W.B., Vitt D.H., Mogensen G.S., Bischler H. & Jovet-Ast S. (1981). Proceedings of the IAB/ABLS symposium on the biological significance of morphological characters. The Bryologist 84: 149-215.
- The Bryological Times (since 1981). Published 3-6 times per year by the International Association of Bryologists. Numbers 1-50 edited by S.W. Greene (1980-1989), nrs. 51-70 by S.R. Gradstein (1989-1992), nrs. 71-85 by L. Hedenäs & L. Söderström (1993-1995), nrs. 86-105 by L. Söderström, H. Weibull & T. Hedderson (1996-2002), nrs. 106-127 by G. Raeymaekers (2002-2009), nrs. 128– by D. Poli (since 2009).
- Vitt D.H., Gradstein S.R. & Iwatsuki Z. (1985). Compendium of Bryology. Bryophytorum Bibliotheca 30: 1-355.
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