Call for nominations for council of the International Association of Bryologists (IAB)

Call for nominations for council of the International Association of Bryologists (IAB)

The International Association of Bryologists is governed by a council and executive
committee composed of a President, two Vice-Presidents, a Secretary-Treasurer, the
last President, nine council members as well as the editors of Bryophyte Diversity and
Evolution and the Bryological Times. Except for the last two, all officials are elected by
IAB members.

In 2025 the terms of one Vice-President, the Secretary-Treasurer and four council
come to an end, and hence elections will be held to fill these positions.
Council members are elected for specific regions, and departing members represent
North America, Africa, and Australasia and Pacific Islands. The fourth position will be
filled by a region-free vote among all nominees.

The election committee will be composed of Bernard Goffinet (chair) and Jessica
Budke. The election judge will be Juan Larrain.

At this point the IAB council seeks nominations including self nominations for these
important positions. Bryologists from North America, Africa, and Australasia and Pacific
Islands engaged in and committed to promoting bryology and developing new creative
initiatives toward the mission of IAB are encouraged to consider joining the council.
The election committee will collect nominations, contact nominees and ask for
biographical sketches.

The deadline for nominations is December 31, 2024.
Nomination must be made via this website:

Password: contact Bernard Goffinet for password (Subject line: IAB nomination). Note that IAB members received a message (Sunday Dec. 15 in USA) from Matt von Konrat with the password.

The terms, roles and responsibilities of officers are described below.

Terms, Roles & responsibilities of council members
The President, Vice-Presidents, Past-President, and Secretary shall constitute the
Executive Committee. The role of the Executive Committee will be to maintain general
control over the affairs of the Association and carry out the duties that may be delegated
to them by the Council. The President, vice-presidents and council members shall hold
office for four years (the two Vice-Presidents may not be elected at the same election)
and the secretary treasurer for six years. All are eligible for reelection. 

Vice Presidents

  • Shall attend regular virtual meetings of the executive committee.
  • Shall chair award committees as determined by the President.
  • Shall be strong advocates for the geographical region they represent.
  • Shall chair the biennial Richard Spruce award or Hattori Prize committee.
  • Shall actively engage and volunteer for committees.
  • Shall actively participate by voting on issues as they come to hand.
  • Shall aim to attend and participate in IAB biennial conferences.
  • Shall actively engage in advancing the mission of the association, such as in
    developing and contributing to initiatives that will advance IAB, increase
    membership, increase diversity, increase youth and student participation and


  • Oversees the association’s finances, managing membership dues, financial
    records, and preparing reports for the Council and members.
  • Handle membership applications, maintain up-to-date records, and communicate
    with members about renewals and updates.
  • Chairs the biennial Stanley-Greene award committee.
  • Joins the president as ex-officio members of each Committee

Council members

  • Shall attend regular virtual council meetings.
  • Shall contribute to standing and ad hoc committees of the association such as
    election, award or travel award committees.
  • Shall actively engage in advancing the mission of the association, such as in
    developing and contributing to initiatives that will advance IAB, increase
    membership, increase diversity, increase youth and student participation and
  • Shall actively engage in being a strong advocate for your region.
  • Shall actively participate by voting on issues as they come to hand.
  • Shall actively engage by participating in discussions central to the IAB mission.