Yearly Archives: 2019

IAB 2019 Election Outcome

Dear IAB members, IAB recently held 2019 elections to fill the presidency, vice-presidency, secretary-treasurer, and several council officer positions. The election was a success in terms of voter participation with 174 members casting a vote.  Before I share the outcome of the elections, I want to thank all candidates for their willingness to be on…

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Next IAB meeting in 2021

The next IAB meeting is scheduled for July 6–8th 2021 in Québec, Canada, and will be hosted jointly with ABLS, iMOSS, Marchantia and EMBO. Mark your calendars!

IAB awards 2019

Spruce award: for important contributions to bryology in first 25 years of professional career Dr. Matt Renner (Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust, Sydney, Australia) Dr. Renner has made extraordinary contributions to our knowledge of bryology, extending to evolutionary biology in general. His main focus has been on systematics and taxonomy and evolutionary biology, as…

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Travel award to IAB 2019

The competition for travel awards for students to actively participate in the IAB meeting in Madrid in July 2019, is now open. To apply.

IAB 2019 Madrid

The next meeting is 9-12 July 2019 in Madrid, Spain. The meeting will be a joint conference between the International Association of Bryologists (I.A.B.),  iMOSS and the Sociedad Española de Briología (S.E.B.).  Please visit for more information about the conference, registration, abstract submission and more. This meeting will also celebrate the 50th anniversary of I.A.B and the 30th anniversary for…

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Call for proposals for IAB 2021

The IAB council seeks proposals to host the biennial IAB meeting in 2021. IAB promotes holding the conference on a rotating basis on different continents. The preceding three meetings were held in South America (Chile), Asia (China) and Europe (Spain). Ideally, we seek proposals from Africa, Central and North America or Australasia but the council…

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IAB award nominations

In 2019 IAB will honor bryologists for their contributions and leadership to bryology and to bryodiversity research as well as grant funds for bryological research. Awards and prizes will be presented at the upcoming meeting in Madrid, in July 2019. All submissions and nominations are accepted via on-line forms, which are password protected. Starting January…

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Change to constitution

Re: Proposed changes to the constitutionThank you to all those who voted on the recent ballot for proposed changes to the constitution pertaining to the office of the President and Vice President. The vote was done electronically, with entries independently tabulated manually by Yang Kien Thai, Matt von Konrat and Mendkhuu Enkhbayar (who is working…

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Latest issue of Bryophyte Diversity and Evolution out

The latest issue of Bryophyte Diversity and Evolution. has been published. Volume 40, No 2 is dedicated to the late Jochen Heinrichs, see In Memoriam to Jochen Heinrichs (1969–2018). Morphology supports ­the setaphyte hypothesis: mosses plus liverworts form a natural group by Renzaglia et al. Propaguliferous species of Pohlia (Mielichhoferiaceae) in China, including two new records…

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