Membership Subscription

Membership Level

Individual for one year – $16*

Individual for five years – $70

Students — Students can join the International Association of Bryologists (IAB) free for one year. Please fill out the Student Membership form and submit to Matt von Konrat.

*IAB offers an annual membership rate of $8.00 USD (50% of the standard dues) to IAB members from the following countries (see here)

Membership follows the calendar year, i.e.,  from January 1st to December 31st.

Payment via PayPal

When you click “Add to the Cart” you will be taken to the secure Paypal server where you will be asked for your details and a payment can be made by credit or debit card. A Paypal account is not required.

Membership Services


Donations via PayPal

If you wish to donate any amount to our association, please use our PayPal “Donate” button. Again, a Paypal account is not required.