Bryonet-L is an email discussion and news group sponsored by IAB, and open to anyone. The intent of the list is to provide good international discussions and a forum in which teachers, ecologists, bryologists and anyone interested can get questions about bryophytes answered. Bryonet messages go directly to all members of the list if the sender is a member. If the sender is not a member, the message goes to the manager for approval first.
It is appropriate to ask bryological questions, send news items of interest to bryologists, announce bryological meetings and forays, announce publications of interest to bryologists, or ask for help in locating a bryologist or bryological collections. Teachers wanting information on bryophytes are encouraged to bring their questions to the list.
Note that messages you send to Bryonet may not appear in your own email. That is because many institutions have set their email so you don’t receive your own email to a list.
Send messages to bryonet-L@mtu.edu. Note that if you reply, replies go to the entire list, not just the sender, so do not send personal messages by replying to a Bryonet message. Please include your email address in the body of the message if you want a response – some folks will want to respond privately.
If you want to subscribe:
- Send an email message to jmglime@mtu.edu with the subscribe request in the subject.
- Subject: subscribe bryonet-L
- In the body of the message, include your name as you want it listed and your country/state affiliation.
To unsubscribe:
- Send a message to jmglime@mtu.edu and provide the email address of your Bryonet subscription.
- In the subject line of your email, type: unsubscribe bryonet-L.
- If you wish to change email addresses, send an email to jmglime@mtu.edu and provide the old and new email addresses
- To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to bryonet-L+unsubscribe@mtu.edu
All subscriptions come to the manager for approval and she must personally approve your subscription. Once you are subscribed, you should get a message back telling you about bryonet and how to unsubscribe.
Advice on posting to Bryonet
Send email to <Bryonet-L@mtu.edu>
For questions to list:
- Put appropriate subject in subject line
- Give enough details to get specific answers; broad questions are likely to be ignored. For example, “What do you think about evolution in bryophytes” is too broad, but one could ask “What are the most important characters in understanding major lines of evolution in bryophytes”? And if you are only interested in liverworts, be specific about that.
- In responding to questions, be sure you respond “to list” unless the message is personal or confidential; this is the value of the list. It is about 90% lurkers who learn from our discussions
If your post doesn’t appear in your email, it probably means that your institution doesn’t allow you to receive emails you send to a list. If this is the case, send yourself a copy. Please don’t send repeated messages to Bryonet. If no one responds to your email in a day or two, and you think it didn’t go to the list, contact me at <jmglime@mtu.edu> or check with a friend who is on Bryonet. Even rejected emails come to me, but Google Groups doesn’t tell me it was rejected.
If your email address changes
If you have an entirely new address, notify me (jmglime@mtu.edu) of your old and new addresses to request a change. If your email is being forwarded to a new address, you will be able to receive Bryonet mail send to the old address, but you will not be able to send mail to Bryonet. The Bryonet list will not be able to recognize your new address. Please request an address change from me.
Please do not send emails larger than 10 megabytes to Bryonet. Many of our members have mail systems that cannot handle such large emails. You can use the Windows feature to condense the files:
Go to Windows Explorer and locate your images.
Highlight all that you want to send.
Right click and select Send to>Mail recipient>Attach.
You should then see an open email in your task bar, ready for sending. You can delete the file names in the subject and in the body of the email if you want, but keep those listed as attachments. Add any text and subject as you would in any email.
Alternatively, you can place your images on a website.
There are other options as well to avoid sending large files on Bryonet.
For identification help:
- Describe the habitat, preferably including photograph
- Include photographs of habit
- Include microscopic photographs that show cells of leaves and other potentially diagnostic features
- Reduce photo size or resolution so that an email contains no more than 10 meg total (See DON’T SEND LARGE EMAILS TO BRYONET above)
- Put larger or more numerous images on a website such as <http://world.observation.org/> or DropBox and provide the URL.
Be sure to name the photographer and whether it is copyright or you offer the image through Creative Commons (preferred) - Describe features that seem unusual
- Mention features that eliminate species that seem similar
For publication requests:
- Check Google Scholar and Google Books online
- Check your library’s interlibrary loan facility
- Check older literature that is not covered by copyright at <http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org> and < www.hathitrust.org>
- Join the free ResearchGate. Researchgate.net <https://www.researchgate.net> is like FaceBook for scientists. Users typically post pdfs of their own work. If a pdf is not available for download, the site offers a convenient “Request” button that automatically sends an email request for the paper.
- Another way that scientists archive their own work is on personal or professional (“the Smith Lab”) websites. You can track down authors to their websites to find posted pdfs or an email contact. It’s a simple matter to find an author’s place of employment via a Google search using the author’s name and a few bryological keywords.
- Write to the author for a copy; you might also get related papers.
- Use JSTOR that allows you to download up to 3 papers at a time.
- Check <http://www.biodiversitylibrary.org> for older literature.
- If these fail, you can request help on Bryonet
- In subject line, indicate “publication request”
- Give full citation if possible
- Explain in 1-2 sentences what research you are working on that requires the paper.
- Acknowledge receipt of the publication to the list as soon as you receive it to avoid others spending time helping you.
NEVER send a recall message to Bryonet. It will cause an automatic rejection message from most members to be sent to the entire list. That means that over 1500 people will get over 1500 messages!
Other Resources can be found on the IAB website <http://www.bryology.org/> and <https://www.facebook.com/Bryodivevol/>
For living specimen requests, be sure to include:
- how much material you need
- how it should be packed
- how it should be labelled so it can pass any entry controls in your country and reach you in a timely manner
- what collection site information you need
- is there a date by which you need them
Google does save archives. They aren’t very convenient to use, and they are only accessible to those enrolled in Bryonet using a gmail address:
Go to groups.google.com
Click on mygroups
Find your group (Bryonet-L) and click on your group name
You will see your group’s posts
You have to keep arrowing down to get to all of them.