Upcoming Eagle Hill Online Mini-Seminar: “A “Dive” into the Liverworts and Hornworts of Central America”

Upcoming Eagle Hill Online Mini-Seminar: “A “Dive” into the Liverworts and Hornworts of Central America”

Instructor: Gregorio Dauphin
Dates: November 2–11, 2020
Times: 7:00PM–9:00PM ET
Scheduling Details: Nov. 2 (Friday), Nov. 4 (Sunday), Nov. 6 (Tuesday),
Nov. 10 (Saturday), Nov. 11 (Sunday). 7PM–9PM ET.
Tuition Cost: $150

Description: As a small biological bridge between North America and South America, Central America is home to over 800 species of liverworts and hornworts, representing about 11% of the World’s diversity in these plant groups! This seminar will provide an introduction to the diversity of this bryological hotspot. We will first identify the main lineages of liverworts and hornworts present in the region, giving special attention to tropical families and genera. The participant will be guided through the taxonomical literature available for regional taxa, and the morphological particularities when using the keys. To dive into the tropical hepatics, we will explore their great variety exploring their most common species in different substrates and ecosystems, including páramos, montane and premontane rain forest, tropical dry forest and lowland tropical rain forest. This seminar will use zoom for interactive lectures and discussions with power point presentations or on-screen analysis of microscopic slides of fresh material and/or herbarium specimens. Intended for those with passion for knowing new bryophytes and their ecology and prepare for the future discovery of astonishing tropical landscapes!
• Full, color flyer for this seminar is available here.• Participants need to have a Zoom account (https://zoom.us ; sign-up is free). They will receive a secure link to join the seminar before it begins.• Individual classes will be recorded and made available to stream (not download) for the duration of the seminar by its participants, so they are able to review them or make up missed ones.

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If you have any other questions, feel free to email us at office@eaglehill.us or call us at 207.546.2821 Ext. 4