In the recent virtual conference Bryophytes, lichens, and northern ecosystems in a changing world (BL2021), the International Association of Bryologists announced the results of the different awards of the society. Please join us celebrating the contributions of our colleagues and their outstanding contributions to the field!
Spruce Award 2021: Dr. Alain Vanderpoorten (University of Liège, Belgium)
Awarded in recognition of important contributions to bryology, within the first 25 years of his career. For his outstanding bryological contributions to taxonomy, molecular biology, floristics, biogeography, ecology, and evolutionary biology, which have been cited 4,500 times and are published in well ranked journals such as Nature Communications, New Phytologist, Systematic Biology, Ecology Letters, Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. The committee also highlighted the strength and merits of other nominees: María-Jesús Cano, Jairo Patiño and Juan-Carlos Villarreal.
Hattori Prize 2021: Michael Lüth, in recognition for his work “Mosses of Europe, a photographic Flora”
This work consists on a 3 volumes book illustrating almost all 1250 European moss species with outstanding macro- and microscopic photographs. “…considered as a monumental work and has been described as one of the most complete, attractive, and useful photographic guides ever published”
Grolle Award 2021: Dr. Li Zhang (Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, Shenzhen, China)
In recognition of outstanding contributions in bryodiversity. Dr. Zhang has been acknowledged as a leader in the exploration, documentation and promotion and promotion of awareness and of the bryoflora (liverworts, hornworts and mosses) of China, as well as Macao and Hong Kong. His books include Higher Plants of China, Vol. 1. Bryophyta, and the first field guide of bryophytes in China, which are complemented by his superb photography.
Stanley Greene award 2021: Kris Anderson (University of Connecticut)
In support of the project that aims to experimentally test the fundamental assumption that shifts in ploidy facilitate shifts in sexuality in a dioicous moss. The committee pointed out that the adjudication was very extremely difficult due to the strong quality of the proposals earning Dennis Alejandro Escolástico Orti, Eric Shershen and Tian-Xiong Zheng an honorable mention.