Riclef Grolle Award for Excellence in Bryodiversity Research

Riclef Grolle Award for Excellence in Bryodiversity Research

(plaque stating relevance of the contribution of recipient)

  • Award to to recognize outstanding contributions in bryodiversity
  • Given at each IAB meeting if someone has been selected
  • Intended for bryologists who work in developing countries and still manage to contribute significantly to the knowledge of bryodiversity in bryophyte-rich areas such as the tropics or smaller regions therein or in bryologically unexplored areas. Recognition should consider such evidence as published work, outside grants and support, and establishment of facilities and collections in areas of need.
  • Evaluation committee should include at least three recognized specialists designated by IAB President with approval of Executive Committee, to be appointed at least one year before each IAB meeting.
  • Award will be given at most every two years at IAB meeting if committee feels any person is worthy of award.
  • Award can be granted only once for each individual.
  • Care should be taken to encompass all geographical areas, with emphasis on bryologists working in high diversity regions or where they are working in isolation and still producing good results.
  • In addition to nominations by committee, nominations should be open to all IAB members through Bryological Times or email and must include supporting evidence for nomination.

Claudio Delgadillo 2009.
Noris Salazar Allen 2011.
Celia Sergio 2013.

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