Bryological Societies
American Bryological and Lichenological Society
Austrian Bryological Working Group
Bryological Association of South Eastern Europe
Bryologische – Lichenologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mitteleuropa
Bryologische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutschlands
Bryologische + Lichenologische Werkgroep van de KNNV
Schweizerische Vereinigung für Bryologie und Lichenologie
Sociedad Española de Briología
Sociedad Latinoamericana de Briología
Bryological publications
Digital Library of the Real Jardín Botánico of Madrid
Many bryological and other botanical publications
Gallica, bibliothèque numérique de la Bibliothèque nationale de France
Many bryological and other botanical publications
‘Bryophyte Ecology Ebook’ from Janice Glime
Bryophyte images
Bryophytes of Wales fram A. Hale
California bryophytes – photographs and drawings
Computer wallpapers from U. Drehwald
Lejeunea species from M.E. Reiner-Drehwald
Pictures from Bioimages: The virtual field-guide
Pictures from M. Lüth
Web site with the complete Bildatlas der Moose Deutschlands
Tenerife (BBS field trip) from J D Sleath
Bryophyte herbaria with online databases
Ohio University Bryophyte Homepage
Swedish Museum of Natural History, Dept. of Cryptogamic Botany
The Royal Botanic Garden at Madrid Cryptogamic Herbarium
University of British Columbia Herbarium Databases
University of Göttingen, Dept. of Systematic Botany
University of Michigan Herbarium
Bryophyte herbaria, general information
Herbarium Resources for North American Bryophyte Biodiversity Research
Other useful bryological links:
Bryophyte Flora of North America
Image stacking software by Alan Hadley
Allows to combine several images to enhance the of depth of field.
Bryological software “Bryomonitor” and “Bryobrain”
IUCN World Red List of Bryophytes – IUCN SSC bryophyte specialist group
Missouri Botanical Garden
Searchable databases and other useful information
New York Botanical Garden – Center for Bryological Information
Plant Biotechnology
Information about Physcomitrella patens
Southern Illinois University at Carbondale
University of Bonn, Germany
University of Göttingen, Germany
Many other links to bryological sites can be found at the BBS homepage.