Awards & Grants

The International Association of Bryologists recognizes important contributions to bryology through several awards, namely

and furthermore supports research projects through two grant competitions, namely


Hedwig Medal

  • Award to person who has made outstanding contributions to bryology, given at the IAB meeting held in conjunction with each International Botanical Congress (once every six years).
  • Award can only be received once.
  • Selection Committee chaired by the IAB President who is in office for the two years before the presentation. with three members appointed by the IAB Council at each Botanical Congress.
  • Award consist of silver medal.


  • Yoshinori Asakawa and Geneva Sayre 1983
  • Bill Steere 1987
  • Sinske Hattori 1993
  • Riclef Grolle 1999
  • Lewis Anderson 2005
  • Támas Pócs 2011
  • Rob Gradstein 2013
  • Rod Seppelt 2017. Dr. Seppelt is recognized for 40 years of outstanding contributions to our knowledge of the bryophyte flora of Australia, Antarctica, subantarctic islands, New Zealand, as well as Arctic regions but also, among others, to bryophyte ecophysiology, biogeography, biochemistry, and paleo-biodiversity. His remarkable accomplishments are shared through numerous publications and rest in part on 35,000 collections of bryophytes, lichens, fungi and algae that are now housed in the Tasmanian Herbarium in Hobart (HO). He also demonstrated continuous support to bryologists and relentless advocacy of bryology.

Richard Spruce Award

  • Award to recognize one IAB member who has made important contributions to bryology, within the first 25 years of their career (dated from their first bryological publication).
  • Award can only be received once.
  • Given at every IAB meeting not held in conjunction with The International Botanical Congress (two of the three meetings every six years).
  • Selection Committee chaired by Vice President Number 1, with two members appointed by the IAB Council at each IAB meeting.
  • Award consists of plaque and invitation to present opening address at next IAB meeting.


  • Jan-Peter Frahm 1995
  • Timo Koponen 1997
  • William R. Buck 2002
  • Benito C. Tan 2004
  • Jeffrey G. Duckett 2007
  • Jonathan Shaw 2009
  • Karen Renzaglia 2011
  • Bernard Goffinet 2013
  • Lars Hedenäs, 2015. Lars Hedenäs, senior curator at the Swedish Museum of Natural History, is one of the world’s leading muscologists. His scientific publications (> 100) span a period of about 25 years and are truly outstanding. Lars is a specialist of pleurocarpous mosses and has published on numerous different aspects of this group, including classical taxonomy and nomenclature, molecular phylogeny, population genetics, reproductive biology, morphological adaptation, biogeography and ecology. Probably the most impressive aspects of his research are the broad and innovative approach to the study of bryophytes. His work, often done in cooperation with others worldwide, stands as a model for the younger generation how to do bryological research. Among favourite papers of him, it will be necessary to mention his excellent monograph of Amblystegiaceae in Flora Neotropica and his recent paper in Taxon (in collaboration with a large team of bryologists) on Homalothecium sericeum: “Three species for the price of one within the moss Homalothecium sericeum” (Taxon 63: 249-257. 2014). The latter paper impressively demonstrates how to study of the so-called “cryptic species” that are increasingly being reported in bryophytes, by using detailed morphological and genetic analyses. These are just two examples; many more titles could be added. Congratulations to Lars Hedenäs for his splendid and major contributions to bryology in the first 25 years of his career. In the IAB he has been very active as a council member, an editor of The Bryological Times and a member of the bryophyte conservation group. It could be hardly think of a candidate more suitable for the Spruce award than Lars!
  • Matthew Renner, 2019. Matt Renner has made extraordinary contributions to our knowledge of bryology, extending to evolutionary biology in general. His main focus has been on systematics and taxonomy and evolutionary biology, as well as ecology, and translating this into action into conservation.
  • Alain Vanderpoorten, 2021. Alain Vanderpoorten (University of Liège, Belgium) published nearly 200 studies spanning the fields of taxonomy, molecular biology, floristics, biogeography, ecology, and evolutionary biology, that have gathered about 4,500 citations. Most of his accomplishments emerge from collaborations with bryologists throughout the world and have been published in prestigious international journals, both bryological and broad spectrum, including Nature Communications, New Phytologist, Systematic Biology, Ecology Letters, and Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. His early work focused on pleurocarps systematics and primarily Amblystegiaceae, particularly on ecology, population genetics, systematics, and character evolution. He then moved to bryogeography, leading major advances in understanding the processes that underpin long known distribution patterns of bryophytes. His highly innovative research on the settling velocity of spores has been instrumental in linking spore traits to dispersability and hence ranges in bryophytes. In addition, in 2009 Alain has co?authored a comprehensive and extremely useful textbook on bryology “Introduction to Bryophytes”, currently available as an e-book. Other examples of his many important contributions to bryology include a two-volume (1,000 pages) atlas of the bryophytes of Wallonia (Belgium) and co-authorship of “A miniature world in decline: European Red List of Mosses, Liverworts and Hornworts”. He serves as an associate editor of several journals, such as Journal of Biogeography, Taxon, The Bryologist, Journal of Bryology, Botany Letters, and Acta Botanica Gallica. Alain has supervised 12 Ph.D. students and serves on many advisory committees. He has also been honoured with several prestigious national awards in Belgium, among them, National Botanic Garden of Belgium E. Van Rompaey Award in 1997, Royal Academy of Belgium Plant Biology Award in 2002, and Royal Academy of Belgium Emile Laurent Award in 2008. 
  • Nicole Fenton, 2023. Nicole Fenton’s work focuses on fundamental questions related to
    bryophyte biology and conservation, and in particular, on bryophyte dispersal and community assembly in North American boreal forests. Her work has substantially contributed to our understanding of the roles of bryophytes in ecosystem functions, in both natural and managed landscapes. She developed and standardized the use of plant functional traits in bryology, a field of inquiry in which bryophytes have been underrepresented.  She has published 109 peer-reviewed papers and four book chapters, which have gathered close to 3900 citations. Her work has appeared in various international journals reaching a broad audience.

Hattori Prize

  • Best paper or series of papers published within the previous two years in a journal or book by a member of IAB.
  • Given every two years at the IAB meetings.
  • Selection Committee chaired by Vice President Number 2, with three members appointed by the IAB Council at each IAB meeting.
  • Award consists of ($400 CDN cash)


  • Hélène Bischler 1995
  • Steven P. Churchill & Edgar Linares 1997
  • William R. Buck 1999
  • Jean Paton 2002
  • Hans Kruijer 2004
  • Jonathan Shaw 2005
  • Bill & Nancy Malcolm 2007
  • Neil E. Bell, Dietmar Quandt, Terry J. O’Brien, & Angela E. Newton 2009
  • Ryszard Ochyra, Ronald Lewis-Smith, and Halina Bednarek-Ochyra (2009–2011)
  • Janice Glime for Bryophyte Ecology ebook (2011–2013)
  • Eberhardt Fischer for Liverworts and Hornworts of Rwanda (ABC Taxa vol. 14. 552 pp. 2013) (2013–2015) The books treats 262 taxa, it has a key to these taxa, color photos of habit and microscopic details of the plants. It is available to the public on the Web, and will be useful not only for Rwanda and surrounding countries but for most African and tropical countries. It is a remarkable effort by one author in a country torn by wars and hence difficult to do scientific work. It is a very meritorious effort and scientific contribution to bryology.
  • Juan Carlos Villarreal (2015–2017):
    1. Villarreal & Renzaglia. 2015. The hornworts: important advancements in early land plant evolution. Journal of Bryology 37: 157–170.
    2. Villarreal et al. 2015. Biogeography and diversification rates in hornworts: The limitations of diversification modeling. Taxon 64: 229–238.
    3. Villarreal et al. 2016. Divergence times and the evolution of morphological complexity in an early land plant lineage (Marchantiopsida) with a slow molecular rate. New Phytologist 209: 1734–1746.
  • Juan Guerra (University of Murcia, Spain) in 2019 for Flora Briofítica Ibérica (Iberian Bryophyte Flora), Volumen VI (Hypnales).Juan Guerra & Montserrat Brugués (general coordinators of Flora Briofítica Ibérica). Juan Guerra, María-Jesús Cano & Montserrat Brugués (editors of Volume VI). Published by Universidad de Murcia & Sociedad Española de Briología Murcia, Spain (2018). This is the sixth and last volume of the Project Flora Briofitica Iberica/Iberian Bryophyte Flora, led from its beginning by Prof. Juan Guerra. His tirelessly work, and his leadership and coordination capacity to join the efforts of a high-quality bryological team, finally has come to a fruitful end. This last volume was published in 2018, completing a project that began in 2003. The complete Flora comprised the mosses of a vast and biogeographically fascinating territory: peninsular Spain and Portugal, Andorra, and the Balearic Islands. Some samples of the Flora-related publications can be found in its website (
  • Michael Lüth (Freiburg, Germany) in 2021 for his Mosses of Europe – A Photographic FloraThis amazing 3 volume book illustrates almost all the European moss species (around 1250 taxa) and is the first such comprehensive treatment for the European moss flora. Each species is illustrated by outstanding macro- and microscopic photographs that show both morphological characters and the species habit in a full-page format. The illustrations are of high quality and the selection of characters shown usually includes the critical characters needed for a correct identification, which makes this book a great complement to the available regional or national moss keys, both for amateurs and for professional bryologists. Michael Lüth has compiled the book almost on his own, from searching and capturing the species in their natural habitat, to preparing microscopic slides illustrating diagnostic morphological features. This monumental work will undoubtedly stand out for many years as the most complete, attractive, and useful photographic guide that will serve the bryological community as well as promote awareness of bryophytes and their diversity to the general public. 
  • Vincent Hugonnot and Jeannette Leica Chavoutier (2023) for “Bryophytes de France. Volume I. Anthocérotes et Hépatiques”. This first volume of the bryophyte flora of France covers 300 species, most of which occur elsewhere on the continent (and beyond)! The flora includes a general illustrated (drawings and photography) introduction, illustrated keys, individual illustrated descriptions, ecological and geographic distribution, and notes. Photography is exemplary and abundant throughout this volume of 651 pages.

Riclef Grolle Award for Excellence in Bryodiversity Research


(plaque stating relevance of the contribution of recipient)

  • Award to recognize outstanding contributions in bryodiversity
  • Given at each IAB meeting if someone has been selected
  • Intended for bryologists who work in developing countries (see list below) and still manage to contribute significantly to the knowledge of bryodiversity in bryophyte-rich areas such as the tropics or smaller regions therein or in bryologically unexplored areas. Recognition should consider such evidence as published work, outside grants and support, and establishment of facilities and collections in areas of need.
  • Evaluation committee should include at least three recognized specialists designated by IAB President with approval of Executive Committee, to be appointed at least one year before each IAB meeting.
  • Award will be given at most every two years at IAB meeting if committee feels any person is worthy of award.
  • Award can be granted only once for each individual.
  • Award consist of plaque stating relevance of the contribution of recipient.
  • Care should be taken to encompass all geographical areas, with emphasis on bryologists working in high diversity regions or where they are working in isolation and still producing good results.
  • In addition to nominations by committee, nominations should be open to all IAB members through Bryological Times or email and must include supporting evidence for nomination.
  • List of countries in which nominees should be professionally based: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Comoros, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Eswatini (Swaziland), Ethiopia, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Gabon, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kosovo, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, North Korea, North Macedonia, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Republic of the Congo, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, São Tomé and Príncipe, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, The Gambia, Timor-Leste, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Western Sahara, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.


  • Claudio Delgadillo 2009
  • Noris Salazar Allen 2011
  • Celia Sergio 2013
  • Rui-Liang Zhu, 2015. Rui-Liang Zhu, curator at the Biological History Museum (HSNU), and Director of the Department of Plant Sciences, East China Normal University, is one of the world’s leading liverwort experts. His expertise on the morphological evolution, diversity, taxonomy and systematics of liverworts is vast. He is especially recognized as a worldwide authority on the enigmatic leafy liverwort family Lejeuneaceae, which represents the largest liverwort family. During the last two decades he has published over 170 scientific publications, including the beautiful monograph of Lopholejeunea (Spruce) Schiffn. (Lejeuneaceae). Besides his scientific love for bryophytes he is also engaged in securing bryophyte resources in threatened habitats and promotes bryology as president of the Bryological Society of China as well as vice-president of IAB. In addition, he serves the bryological community as associate editor of various scientific journals such as Cryptogamie Bryologie as well as the flagship journal of IAB, Bryophyte Diversity and Evolution.
  • Wagieh El-Saadawi 2017. Dr. El-Saadawii has made significant contributions to our knowledge of the bryophyte flora of the Mediterranean area, in particular of Egypt, Kuwait, UAE, Sudan, Libya, and has continuously promoted bryology in Egypt, by mentoring students and establishing a bryophyte herbarium at Ain Shams University (CAIA).
  • Juan Larrain, 2019. Dr. Larraín has had an active field program in Chile for many years, with an emphasis on Chiloé Island, and contributions to the flora New Caledonia and Fiji. Dr. Larrain has worked on both mosses and hepatics. For many years, he has done general bryophyte identification with an emphasis on Chile. His doctoral dissertation was a revision of the Latin American species ofRacomitriumalong with a phylogeny of the genus. On his Field Museum post-doc he worked on the genus Frullania. His work stands out because he uses both specimen-based morphology as well as molecular data to reach conclusions. He actively publishes his results in peer-reviewed journals. Most recently Juan has had post-doctoral funding from the Chilean government. Throughout his time in Chile he has actively worked to improve the herbarium and its holdings at the University of Concepción.
  • Li Zhang, 2021 (Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, Shenzhen, China). Dr. Zhang has extensively explored the bryophyte diversity in underexplored regions of China, especially the provinces of Yunnan, Sichuan, Guizhou and Guangzhou. In 2006, Dr. Zhang joined the Fairy Lake Botanical Garden and established the bryophyte herbarium, and its exchange program. His taxonomic work in China has included hornworts (Zhang et al. 2011, 2018), Frullania (Zhang in Wu et al. 2012), Fissidens (Zhang 1993, Zhang & Lin 1997, Zhang & Hong 2011), and Hypopterygium (Zhang et al, 2016). He has also published bryophyte floras of Macao (2010), Guangdong (including Hainan) (2013), and inventories of Macao (2009) and Hong Kong (1997, 2003). His publications include the books Higher Plants of China, Vol. 1. Bryophyta (2012) and Higher Plants of China in Color, Vol. 1: Bryophytes (2016), and the first field guide of bryophytes in China, Field Guide of Wild Plants of China: Bryophytes (2016), which are complemented by his superb photography. Dr. Zhang has worked tirelessly to document, communicate, and promote the diversity of bryophytes in China and Hong Kong. We congratulate Li Zhang for his exemplary contributions to Southeast Asian bryology.
  • Manju C. Nair, 2023 (University of Calicut, Kerala, India). Dr. Nair has contributed significantly to our understanding of the diversity of the bryophyte flora of the State of Kerala, which currently comprises over 800 species, including 15 recently recognized as new to science, more than 35 new records of occurrence for India, 60 for Peninsular India and 70 for the State of Kerala. She has published more than 75 research papers in national and international journals, and four books, including “Bryophytes of Wayanad in the Western Ghats” and “Bryophytes of Kerala, Volume 1: Liverworts”.



Stanley Greene Award


(an amount of money to be determined biennially by the Secretary/Treasurer)

  • Awarded to persons submitting a proposal for research in Bryology.
  • Proposals will be called for in January of the year of biennial IAB meeting by an announcement in The Bryological Times.
  • Given every two years at IAB meetings.
  • Chaired by Secretary-Treasurer, with two members appointed by council.
  • Award amount to be determined biennially by the Secretary/Treasurer


  • 1999. Dennis Gignac, Bernard Goffinet, Richard Zander, & Irene Bisang
  • 2009. Jessica M. Budke
  • 2014. Jorge Enrique Gil Novoa and Chua Mung Seng. 2014. Jorge is a Master’s student in the Biological Sciences at Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Jorge’s project will investigate the bryophyte composition of the páramos of Tota-Bijagual-Mamapacha (Boyacá-Colombia). Páramo-like formations occur on high isolated peaks and ranges and are unique habitats in the Neotropics. Chua Mung Seng is a PhD student at Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, Shenzhen, China. Chua’s interesting research investigates the bryophyte diversity, ecology, and conservation of karst regions between southwestern China and east Malaysia.
  • 2019. Eugene LorenceR. Logatoc(University of the Philippines, Los Baños). Bryophyte diversity and conservation in the KaiganganForest of Samar Island, Philippines.
  • 2019. Brian Espinoza–Prieto (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru). Taxonomy and distribution of the genus Frullaniain Peru. Award .
  • 2021. Kristin Anderson (University of Connecticut). Experimentally testing the fundamental assumption that shifts in ploidy result in shifts in sexuality in a dioicous moss.
  • 2023. Daniel Tucker (Uni. of Victoria, BC, Canada). Magic carpets of the canopy: the role of epiphytic bryophyte functional structure in driving hydrologic ecosystem processes in a tropical montane cloud forest.

Conservation and Endangered Species Grants

  • Open only to IAB members.
  • Amount normally up to $1,000 US per applicant.
  • Grants may be made at any time provided funds are available.
  • Grants to be announced on IAB website and BT.
  • Priority will be given to projects focusing on rare species, habitats or bryophyte hotspots in high need of conservation actions.
  • The proposal should contain: A. description of project; B. its rationale; C, activities; D, budget; E, expected outputs.
  • The following points should be noted: Is the species, habitat or hotspot vulnerable, threatened or endangered? If not, does this study intend to collect data for identifying the status of a potentially endangered or threatened species, or is the study species used as a model for a threatened or endangered species, and, if so, please specify how the study will help conservation efforts. Is the species (and possible study) included in the IUCN SSC Bryophyte Action Plan (Hallingbäck & Hodgetts 2000)? Has the conservation significance, impact and outcome of the study been clearly identified and stated? Is there any other commentary on the nature of the threat and corrective action? Is the study, education plan, or other action proposed sound in respect to what is known about the species/ habitat/ people? Is there sound methodology in the proposal? Are there experienced project principals? Is there a training content involving local people?
  • Grant applications should be sent to the Chair of the Conservation Committee.
  • Additional information can be seen on the IAB website and Conservation Committee web pages.
  • The Conservation Committee will recommend applications it deems suitable for funding; the IAB Council will make final approval.
  • Budget Report and Project Report must be submitted within 2 years to Conservation Committee. Any resulting publications must be sanctioned by IAB.
  • If a member of the Conservation Committee wishes to apply, that person must have no involvement in the discussions.

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