Monthly Archives: February 2024

Linda Graham

Though I have lived for decades in Madison, Wisconsin (USA), I grew up in Missouri and did undergraduate work at Washington University, St. Louis, which is close to the famous Forest Park. So, to study for my botany final exam, I settled with my textbook and notes under a Forest Park tree. While studying the…

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Tülay Ezer

I was born in Imamoglu, a relatively small district of Adana (Turkey), and grew up in a house with a large garden. After school, I enjoyed spending time in the garden playing with plants, insects and soil. Climbing trees was a passion for me and my interest in living things blossomed in those years. With…

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Nilobon Sevanakun

I am currently a Ph.D. student in the Biology program at the Department of Science, Prince of Songkla University. I was born in Sadao District, Songkhla Province, a small town in the southern part of Thailand bordering Malaysia. My childhood did not involve much interaction with nature because my house was located in the market…

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