Monthly Archives: October 2020

Open postdoc in Switzerland

A postdoctoral position in bryophyte ecology and conservation over 14 months is available at the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL. The project is a follow-up to the recently published Red List of European bryophytes (Hodgetts et al. 2019) with the main goal to analyse how intrinsic (i.e. species traits) and extrinsic factors (e.g. habitat destruction)…

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Upcoming Eagle Hill Online Mini-Seminar: “A “Dive” into the Liverworts and Hornworts of Central America”

Instructor: Gregorio DauphinDates: November 2–11, 2020Times: 7:00PM–9:00PM ETScheduling Details: Nov. 2 (Friday), Nov. 4 (Sunday), Nov. 6 (Tuesday),Nov. 10 (Saturday), Nov. 11 (Sunday). 7PM–9PM ET.Tuition Cost: $150 Description: As a small biological bridge between North America and South America, Central America is home to over 800 species of liverworts and hornworts, representing about 11% of…

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